
Nr. of guests
Vendégek száma és kódok
X 1. Room
Adults - 1 +
Children - 0 +

To find the right room type and the right prices, we would like to know how old your children will be during your stay.

Gyermekek életkora
Please type in the age(s) of your child(ren).
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Danubius EuroPoints

Europoints package

Europoints package


Europoints package

1 night with breakfast and afternoon tea (tea or coffee..)

LONDON in double room/ person
Danubius Hotel Regents Park 5 800

Great Britain- LONDON EuroPoints Celebration

1 night with breakfast and surprise (a bottle of champagne...)

LONDON in double room/ person
Danubius Hotel Regents Park 6 900
The price are in EuroPoints.

Point redemption form