Danubius Hotel Helia ****
Kúpeľný hotel v Budapešti (XIII.)
Od 15:00 hodiny
do 11:00 hodiny
Wellness ošetrenia
Pod skúsenými rukami kolegov masérov omladnete! Odborné pohyby ich rúk, vonné oleje a zábaly osviežia každý kúsok vášho tela, zmäkčia a zvláčnia pokožku a osviežia ducha. Vyberte si z wellness masáží a ďalších ošetrení a prežite pravý spa zážitok!
Máte otázku? Obráťte sa na nás s dôverou:
- Individuálne rezervácie (do 9 izieb alebo 14 osôb)
- +36 1 889 5823
- helia.reservation@danubiushotels.com
- Skupinové rezervácie (od 10 izieb alebo od 15 osôb)
- clustersales@danubiushotels.com
- Konferencie
- clustersales@danubiushotels.com
Všeobecný kontakt / Recepcia
- +36 1 889 5800
- Kárpát utca 62-64., 1133 Budapest, Maďarsko
Obnovujeme sa pre Vás!
Renewing for your comfort
We are delighted to share with you that the renovation of Danubius Hotel Helia has come to a new phase.
During the current renewal, guest rooms located on floors 1., 2. and 3. will be refurbished.
All the hotel's rooms and public areas will be renovated by spring.
The works are expected to last from 4 November 2024 until the end of March 2025.
We are remodelling our rooms to enhance guest experience. Our aim is to provide our guests with a modern and clean-cut environment that fully meets today's needs.
Your understanding is greatly appreciated.