
Nr. of guests
Vendégek száma és kódok
X 1. Room
Adults - 1 +
Children - 0 +

To find the right room type and the right prices, we would like to know how old your children will be during your stay.

Gyermekek életkora
Please type in the age(s) of your child(ren).
Special rate codes Added
Special rate codes Close
Company card


Company card

The representative of a company requests a card with a PIN code in the name of the company. A card may only be applied for in the name of the company by an individual entitled to represent the company, and this is declared by the applicant signing the application form on his own responsibility.

When applying for a company card, the company may request several cards (up to a maximum of 9 cards). In this case the company's bonus points are collected on one account. Every card has its own PIN code and card number enabling more than one personto collect and redeem points at any given time in our hotels. We accept a request for the use of the collected points from the person entitled to represent the company.
