
Nr. of guests
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X 1. Room
Adults - 1 +
Children - 0 +

To find the right room type and the right prices, we would like to know how old your children will be during your stay.

Gyermekek életkora
Please type in the age(s) of your child(ren).
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Danubius EuroPoints

Wellness és gyógykezelés

Wellness és gyógykezelés

Wellness és gyógykezelés


Wellness treatment/person Relaxation/Refreshing/Sports Massage 20'

Relaxation/Refreshing/Sports Massage 50'

Cellulite Treatment 40'
Danubius Hotel Helia - Budapest 1 200 1 700 1 500

Wellness treatment/person Detox Treatment 70’ Salt Cave Session for 1 person 45'Reinforced Gel Polish
Danubius Hotel Helia - Budapest 2200 5001 000

Wellness treatment/person

Aroma massage 20’   Swedish massage 30’   Foot massage 20' Dolce Vita massage 50’   Fish pedicure 20’ Naturissimo facial treatment 60’ Naturissimo facieal massage 30’ Anti Age light therapy
Danubius Hotel Bük - Bük 790 990 790 1590 600 1250 890 700

The price are in EuroPoints.

Point redemption form